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Law, Justice, Police

Privatize the Police

June 25, 2021 – Murray N. Rothbard …… There is a common fallacy, held even by most advocates of laissez-faire, that the government must supply “police protection,” as if police protection were a single, absolute entity, a fixed quantity of something which the government supplies to all. But in actual fact there is no absolute commodity called “police protection” any more than there is an absolute single commodity called “food” or “shelter.” Continue reading →

America’s Elites Are Terrified of Hillbillies

May 29, 2021 – Robert Weissberg …… Blacks can riot for months, loot stores by the hundreds, and otherwise run amok – and the elites give them a pass. Hillbillies, by contrast, need only arrive in their pick-up trucks, assemble peacefully, and express some patriotic clichés – and the elites become fearful. Continue reading →

The Dystopian Future in Which Almost No One Owns a Car

May 15, 2021 – Zachary Yost …… Some advocates of self-driving cars argue that their adoption would mean that very few people would actually own a vehicle anymore. We’d all just rent rides on self-driving Uber cars. This would be a dream come true for advocates of lockdowns and stay-at-home orders. Continue reading →