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Common Sense Economics

Why We Need Free Markets To Fight Pandemics

April 2, 2020 – Matthew Tanous …… What needs to be done in such a crisis is not to attempt to steer the market to ensure it provides what is needed, but to let it free to do what it always does: match the goals of entrepreneurial producers with the needs of the populace. Continue reading →

6 Things We Learned from Prohibition

March 9, 2020 – John Phelan …… In a book on prohibitions, John Meadowcroft of King’s College in London offers several “generic lessons and implications” of the practice. Hint – prohibition does more harm than good. Continue reading →

Abolish Government Schools

March 3, 2020 – Gor Mkrtchian …… Even if it’s true that some wouldn’t be able to afford schooling without government financial assistance, the idea that this necessitates the government creating and running its own schools is a glaring non sequitur. Continue reading →