Archives for;

War and the Military

A Nuclear War? Over Venezuela?

May 10, 2019 – Ron Paul …… How ironic that Pompeo and the rest of the neocons in the Trump Administration are ready to violate the US Constitution in order to attack Venezuela to “restore their constitution.” Continue reading →

The Horrific Long-Term Consequences of Regime Change

March 18, 2019 – Jacob Hornberger …… The Guatemalan legislature is contemplating granting a blanket amnesty to military officials who participated in the rein of terror that the Guatemalan national-security establishment – supported by the U.S. national-security establishment – inflicted on the Guatemalan people for a period of some 36 years. Continue reading →

State Secrets and the National-Security State

February 16, 2019 – Jacob Hornberger …… Julian Assange’s “crime” was revealing the wrongdoing of the national-security establishment. In the minds of those who blindly support the US state, this is not to be allowed, even if the information is 100% true. Continue reading →

How About Truth Regarding the Department of “Defense”?

December 31, 2018 – Jacob Hornberger …… With all the born-again fervor for truth among the mainstream press within the context of the Donald Trump regime, would it be too much to ask for the truth regarding the U.S. Department of “Defense.” I mean, come on, there is no way that what U.S. troops have been doing overseas for the past 70 years has anything to do with the defense of the United States. Continue reading →